Monday, November 24, 2008

My hair is dry!

Ok so my hair is really not feeling the cold weather so tonight I whipped up a overnite DC which consisted of:
cholesterol, honey, aussie moist, evoo!

I will let you lovely ladies know how it turns out!

My hair doesnt seem to stay moist when i airdry with the flexi rods so i will revert to incorporating some form of direct heat in my hair til I figure things out!

I will air dry 100% then flat iron or airdry 80% then blowdry and moisturize! We will see how this goes


Anonymous said...

Keep that hair dry..

2BOSSAY said...

out of curiosity, wat type of moisturizer r u using?...o & btw, good luck with ur nursing an RN az well, so i just wanted 2 offer u some wordz of encouragement...

Kofi Bofah said...

Just sliding through blog land.

I don't know anything about women's hair.

1: Greetings from Chicago
2: I am going to leave a sample of my work that you should enjoy.

She is Just Not That Into You


Jmilz86 said...

LOL...not the idea Angel! LMAO

Thank you Hair-A-Mania! I will need it! I was using Wave nouveau, which i was informed that the glycerin in it may be drying out my hair more now in the cold weather! I also use elasta qp h-two and oil recovery

Thank you Kofi, I will check that out when I get home